This guide provides instructions for installing Cloudera software, including Cloudera Manager, CDH, and other managed services, in a production environment.
For non-production environments (such as testing and proof-of- concept use cases), see Proof-of-Concept Installation Guide for a simplified (but limited) installation procedure.
To install an unmanaged CDH cluster without Cloudera Manager, see Cloudera Command Line Installation Guide.
Important: As of February 1, 2021, all downloads of CDH and Cloudera Manager require a username and password and use a modified URL. You must use the modified URL, including the username and password when downloading the repository contents described below. You may need to upgrade Cloudera Manager to a newer version that uses the modified URLs.
This can affect new installations, upgrades, adding new hosts to a cluster, downloading a new parcel, and adding a new cluster.
This guide includes the following sections: