Metal Manufacturing Secondary Processes

Manufacturing a product or part can be divided into primary and secondary processes. Primary is the manufacturing of raw materials, secondary is the part after this which changes these materials into goods.

secondary processes metal manufacturing

Metal Manufacturing Secondary Processes

Manufacturing a product or part can be divided into primary and secondary processes. Primary is the manufacturing of raw materials, secondary is the part after this which changes these materials into goods.

Once a part is made, the last step is the secondary process, this process alters the material part or assembly in terms of their size, finish, and shape.

The main kinds of secondary processes are casting, molding, forming, separating, conditioning, assembling, and finishing.

At Haizol, we offer many different kinds of secondary processes,


This method applies force to the part to change its shape, for example drawing or rolling.


This method removes unwanted material from a part, it can also alter its size and shape, and common examples are shearing and turning.


This process is common when the internal structure of a material needs to be changed to give it more desirable properties, using heat, chemicals, or mechanical forces. Examples of conditioning include mechanical and thermal conditioning.


Finishing processes either add a coat or change the surface of a part to add protection or give a more desirable appearance for the end user. Examples of this are spraying or flow coating.


This secondary process is common when individual materials and parts are assembled together to form a finished product. Examples of this are mechanical fastening and bonding.

For more information on any of these processes, or for alternative processes and requirements, feel free to reach out to us at