How do medical liens and health care subrogation affect personal injury settlements?

Medical Billing Statement and a Stethoscope

Finding out that your personal injury claim or lawsuit was successful can feel like winning the lottery. After a serious injury and a legal battle with the person who caused it, you are finally awarded the money you are owed. Personal injury claims can take many months—and in some cases, years—from the day of your accident to the day you get the check. During that time, you may have seen many doctors and had extensive medical treatment. Those bills were either paid by your own insurance, or the provider held off on billing you. Now that your personal injury claim is settled, those medical providers are going to want to be paid, and they have every right to be.

At Pete Olson Injury Law, our team will help you understand your obligations to pay back medical providers from Day One. We help our clients get the medical care they need, manage their bills, deal with creditors, and work with their health insurance companies before and after their personal injury claim is resolved.

What Are Medical Liens and Subrogation?

A medical lien in a personal injury case is a legal claim that grants health care providers the right to be reimbursed for the medical expenses they have incurred while treating an injured individual. This lien allows health care providers to assert a priority claim on the settlement or judgment proceeds received by the injured person, ensuring that they are compensated for the services rendered.

Subrogation is a legal principle that allows an insurance company, typically the health insurance provider, to seek reimbursement from the settlement or judgment obtained by the injured party. By invoking subrogation, the insurance company can recover the amount it paid for medical treatment or other expenses related to the injury, thus minimizing its financial losses and maintaining its rights to be compensated for the coverage provided.

Serious Accidents Lead to Costly Medical Bills

The whole point of a personal injury claim—whether you were hurt in a vehicle crash, slip and fall, dog attack, or by an incident of medical malpractice—is to get the money you need to pay for the harm that has been done to you.

Typical injuries sustained in accidents involving negligence include the following:

The treatment required to recover from these types of injuries cannot wait for an injury claim to be settled by an insurance company or judge. Fortunately, there are ways to get the care you need before you are compensated by the at-fault party, but you should be aware that medical providers and insurance companies will need to be paid back after the claim is resolved.

When you work with Pete Olson to resolve your personal injury claim, you will never be in the dark about who is owed what and when. We will be your partner in holding the responsible party accountable and in helping you get the medical care you need—and paying for it.

Trust Pete With Your Personal Injury Claim

At Pete Olson Injury Law, our firm is committed to helping people secure the compensation they need to put their lives back together after they were injured by another party's negligence. Attorney Pete Olson has more than 25 years of experience and has built a record of success by obtaining favorable results in thousands of cases and multimillion-dollar settlements and verdicts.

You do not have to face the challenges of life after an accident without support. Instead, turn to Pete Olson Injury Attorneys. Fill out our contact form or call 931.906.0080 today.

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