The Perkins loan program allows several types of deferments for certain circumstances. Each type of deferment has its own form, and some deferments require additional documentation. Please read each form carefully. To apply for deferment, you must complete the appropriate form and send it in to our office at the beginning of the benefit period. Failure to provide the form before the account goes into billing may result in late fees which must be paid before the deferment can be processed. Late fees are calculated at a rate of $8 per month. The only exception to this policy regarding fees would be the Student Deferment and the Graduate Fellowship Deferment. Deferments will be processed retroactively for only two years prior to the date of submission.
These deferments are followed by a grace period before billing resumes. During the deferment and the grace period, interest will not accrue and payments will not be due. You will receive written notification when your application has been processed.
Some deferments are only eligible for loans made prior to July 1, 1993 as indicated below. If more information is needed on these deferments, please contact our office.
Loans made on or before July 1, 1993
The following deferments are available under the Perkins loan program and do not have cancellation provisions.