Community Mental Health Agreement – Expert Reviewer Report Number Thirteen

Former Governor Maggie Hassan signs the CMHA while sitting at large desk surrounded by advocates.

The Community Mental Health Agreement (CMHA) is a landmark settlement agreement to help people diagnosed with serious mental illness live successfully in the community rather than institutions. According to the CMHA, New Hampshire must provide community-based services and supports to people who would otherwise be unnecessarily institutionalized at New Hampshire Hospital or Glencliff Nursing Home.

These community-based resources include mobile crisis teams and crisis apartments, assertive community treatment (ACT), permanent supported housing (e.g., the Bridge Housing Subsidy), supported employment, and peer and family supports. Compliance with the CMHA is monitored by an Expert Reviewer, who summarizes his findings in semi-annual reports.

Summary of progress to date
“Most of calendar year 2020 has been dominated by the response to the health risks associated with COVID-19 and by the restrictions necessitated by COVID-19. As will be seen in the subsequent sections of this report, most elements of the services system defined by the CMHA have remained relatively stable. Understandably, there has been little measurable progress, but there has also been a relatively consistent level of service delivery and performance. The State is to be congratulated for maintaining services to the CMHA Target Population during these very difficult circumstances. Nonetheless, it is important to emphasize that the pandemic has not altered the terms of the CMHA nor diminished the State’s obligations to members of the Target Population. Moreover, the delays and restrictions caused by COVID-19 necessarily require extension of the time periods for the State to complete its responsibilities under the CMHA.”
Complete summary and report are available here

Major areas of continued non-compliance include:
